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Burcan Makina

Genel Makina

Türkiye’deki birçok çimento fabrikasının tesis kurulum ve büyütme, fabrika modernizasyon projelerinde, yedek parça imalatları üzerinde tercih edilen bir firma olarak uzun yıllardır sektörde güvenilir işbirliklerine imza atıyoruz.

Müşterilerimizin projelerini göz önünde bulundurarak, farin değirmenleri, kömür değirmenler, öğütücü değirmenler, silolar gibi çimento fabrikalarında kullanılan çeşitli ekipmanlar ve sistemlerin imalatını gerçekleştiriyoruz. Kaliteden ödün vermeden, mühendislik uzmanlığımız ve tecrübemizle her projeye özel çözümler sunuyoruz.

Ayrıca, çimento sektöründe en son teknolojiyi takip ederek sürekli kendimizi güncelliyor ve yenilikçi çözümler sunmaya özen gösteriyoruz. Müşterilerimize rekabetçi fiyatlarla kaliteli ürün ve hizmetler sunarak, iş süreçlerini optimize ederek ve verimliliklerini artırarak katkı sağlıyoruz.

Burcan olarak çimento sektöründe sağladığımız çözümlerle müşterilerimizin memnuniyetini en üst düzeyde tutmaya devam edeceğiz.

  • Improve sales and operations and production planning:
    The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
  • Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
    The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.
  • Determine the right inventory level:
    The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
  • Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
    The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.

The solution WP consulting came up with combined cutting edge technology with real world practicality. Everyone knew that the systems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution was to introduce proper workload management done through computers, while providing mobile platforms to the stakeholders.

This allowed the wtems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution watems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution watems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution waorkers to be involved in the job instead of feeling like they had been made redundant by technology.